Welcome to Test Prep Guides!
Test Prep Guides is the new imprint of Academic Success Media. We are a small enterprise that publishes reasonably-priced study guides and practice tests for standardized exams for your education and career.
You will find links to practice exercises, quizzes, and mp3s on this website, as well as links to other learning resources.
Test Prep Guides’ Quizzes
If you are taking a standardized exam, you will certainly need help with math, reading, English grammar, and perhaps even essay writing.
The unique quizzes on this website have been designed to give you instant feedback.
The feedback after each question in the quizzes indicates why the correct answer is the right one and gives you tips for the day of your exam.
Math Help

Our pre-algebra test covers topics such as basic arithmetic, statistics, and probability
The algebra and geometry quiz below will help you set up and solve algebraic equations. It will also help you with plane and coordinate geometry problems like you will see on your exam.
Language Arts Skills
Our reading comprehension quiz will help you understand how to identify the main idea, identify specific points, understand the writer’s purpose, and analyze vocabulary in context.
This great English grammar quiz will help you review the areas of English grammar that students find the most troublesome:
Essay Writing Skills
Need help with essay writing?
Our essay correction exercise can help
When you are ready, see our essay topics page to begin practicing your essay writing.
Test Prep Guides – Practice Materials
The website also has math help, practice test questions, exam tips, and advice for student assessments, teacher certification exams, and professional exams.
Student assessments

On this website, you will find test prep materials and study guides for student assessment, teacher certification tests, and professional exams, as indicated below.
National Placement Exams
We have college-entrance exam practice placement tests that are administered around the US, such as our practice test prep questions for the Accuplacer, ACT, PSAT, TABE, and Versant Placement exams. You will also find practice questions for the ASVAB for those considering a career in the armed services.
State-Sponsored Student Assessments
In addition, you will find practice and prep materials for state-sponsored student placement exams on this website, including the CHSPE (California), PERT (Florida), THEA, and TSI (Texas).
Other Student Placement Tests
Please visit the CLT (Classic Learning Test) and RISE (Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence) if your institution is taking part in these recently-devised placement exams and assessments.
See our TSA (University of Oxford Thinking Skills Assessment) practice questions for students in the United Kingdom.
Student Evaluation
For a diagnostic example test for reading difficulties, please see our GORT 5 page. The TOWL is also a diagnostic exam, which is used to determine whether a child is having difficulties with writing or spelling.
If your school is participating in the PISA assessment, you may be interested in our PISA Test practice exercises.
High-School Equivalency
Students taking a high school equivalency test can visit our test prep pages and study guides for the GED and HiSET exams.
Teacher Certification

Trying to pass one of the teacher certification tests administered around the world? Then you should navigate to our ACER LANTITE (Australia), RICA (various US states), Foundations of Reading (090 subtest for Ohio OAE and various US states), FTCE (Florida), NYSTCE (New York State), VCLA (Virginia), or WESTB (Washington State) practice exam questions.
Health Professionals
Future health care professionals can visit our OET page for the Australia Occupational English Test and our HESI practice questions for the US Health Education Systems Inc. Exam.
Other Professional Exams

Planning on working for a multi-national corporation? You may need to take the AMCAT or one of the Versant exams:
For careers in law or finance, please navigate to our Watson Glaser critical thinking skills exercises, logic questions with answers.
Please note: We are not affiliated with Pearson, NES, the College Board, or any other official examination body.