Looking for an Accuplacer test sample online? Then try the links below for arithmetic, algebra and quantitative reasoning, and advanced algebra and functions.
Arithmetic and Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions
Algebra, Advanced Algebra, and Functions Practice Questions
What is a function?

Function questions look like the following:
Example: If f2 (x) = x + 10, what is the value of f2(5)?
Solution: To solve the question, put in the value for x and perform the operation.
Here, we need to add 10 to x:
f2 (x) = x + 10 =5 + 10 = 15
So the value of f2 (5) is 15.
What is a factorial?

When you see a number with an exclamation mark after it, you are being asked to calculate a factorial. Now have a look at the next example:
Example: 4! = ?
Solution: To solve the problem, you first need to write out the multiplication in long form.
4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
Then multiply to solve. It is helpful to break down the multiplication operations as follows:
4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = (4 × 3) × (2 × 1) = 12 × 2 = 24
Accuplacer English Test
You may also have to take the English parts of the Accuplacer exam. Like the math parts of the examination, you will need to take the English parts of the Accuplacer test online, with computer adaptive software. To test your English skills, the exam has a reading section and a writing section.
Accuplacer Reading

Just as the name suggests, this section of the exam assesses your reading comprehension skills.
You will need to be able to read a passage of between 120 to 400 words and answer questions about the main idea or specific points within the passage.
The test also includes questions on understanding the author’s tone, determining the meaning of new words, and understanding what is suggested or implied by a passage.
Example reading passage:
Have you ever noticed that the things you buy at the store go up a few pennies between shopping trips? But there is a way that the effect of price increases upon personal finances can be minimized: buy in quantity when prices are low. My philosophy is to set out to find the best prices I can get on quantity purchases of things such as bathroom items and dry and canned food, even if I have to increase my credit card debt to get them. You will be surprised by how much you can save by buying in bulk.
Which of the following phrases best characterizes how the author views avoiding unnecessary expenses?
- (A) financially advantageous
- (B) personally undisciplined
- (C) monetarily victorious
- (D) principled and philosophical
The correct answer is A. The author views avoiding unnecessary expenses as financially advantageous. The writer clearly states that unnecessary spending can be avoided by making purchases when prices are low.
Accuplacer Writing Test Online

The writing section of the exam evaluates your ability to write grammatically correct sentences, as well as your ability to punctuate and spell correctly. In addition, you will need to know how to organize a piece of writing to achieve the best flow for the essay. As with the other parts of the exam, you will take the writing test online.
On this part of the test, you will see several essays that contain errors, and you will need to choose the best replacement for selected sentences and phrases in the passage.
Example writing passage 1:
(1) In the fall of 1859, a discouraged man was sitting in his run-down law office in Springfield, Illinois. (2) He was fifty years old, and he had been a lawyer for twenty years, earning around 3,000 dollars a year. (3) His tangible possessions and property consisted of 160 acres of farm land in Iowa and the house which he lived in Illinois.
Which is the best version of the underlined part of sentence 3, reproduced below?
His tangible possessions and property consisted of 160 acres of farm land in Iowa and the house which he lived in Illinois.
- (A) Leave it as it is now.
- (B) house; which he lived in
- (C) house that he lived in
- (D) house in which he lived in
The correct answer is D. Lincoln was living in the house, so the house is the object in the clause. Therefore, we need to use the “in which” relative clause construction. This also helps us to avoid ending the sentence with a preposition.
Example writing passage 2:
(1) Thomas Edison once stated: “Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.” (2) I agree that restlessness can lead to progress within society. (3) During the pre-revolutionary period in American history, for example, the settlers in the American colonies became very restless with the way that they were being treated under English law. (4) This restlessness led to the American Revolutionary War, which witnessed the birth of a myriad of personal and social liberties that American citizens still enjoy today.
Which is the best decision regarding the underlined portion of sentence 1, reproduced below?
Thomas Edison once stated: “Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.”
- (A) Leave it as it is now.
- (B) Insert the word “that” after the word “stated”
- (C) Remove the colon.
- (D) Place the period after the closing quotation mark.
The correct answer is A. A colon should be used at the end of the phrase when giving a quotation, and this sentence is giving a quotation from Edison. In addition, the ending punctuation goes inside the quotation marks when quoting someone.
Accuplacer math test: Online resources
You can get free practice questions on the official Accuplacer website.
Accuplacer math practice questions
More Accuplacer math help
Get more free math exercises by clicking on the link below
Will I take the Accuplacer test online?

You can go to any high school, college, or university that is administering the Accuplacer to take your test. But the tests are not offered online at home.
You will need to take your exam online at an approved testing location, where you will be supervised.
You also need to schedule the test beforehand and go to take the test on the day of your appointment.
A “walk in” system is not available.
What’s on the Accuplacer Math Test Online?
There are three parts to the Accuplacer math test: arithmetic, algebra and quantitative reasoning, and advanced algebra and functions.
The arithmetic part of the test will include basic concepts, such as numerical operations, decimals, percentages, fractions, mixed numbers, prices, and rates.
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics
This section of the Accuplacer math test covers ratios and proportions, exponent laws, linear and algebraic equations and applications, rational numbers, graphing, probability, and basic statistics (including mean, median, mode, and range).
Advanced Algebra and Functions
The advanced algebra and functions part of the test will include quadratic, rational, radial, and polynomial expressions and equations; advanced graphing questions; and problems on functions and factorials.
More reading and writing exercises
For more reading and English exercises, please click on the links in the main menu.
Please note that the Accuplacer test is an official trademark of the College Board. We are not affiliated with or supported by the official testing organization.