If you are taking the AMCAT Aspiring Minds Computer-Adaptive Test, you will need to study aptitude practice test questions in English comprehension, quantitative ability, and logical analysis.
The AMCAT test is a job-readiness exam that is required for certain professional jobs to ensure that you have the required skills demanded of the position.
Free AMCAT Test Aptitude Questions with Answers
English Comprehension – Free Sample

Now study the AMCAT Test sample English comprehension aptitude questions in this section. You will find the answers and explanations at the end of each sub-section.
Instructions: Read each sentence below and find the word most similar in meaning to the word in italics. The answers are provided after question 4.
Question 1
Facilitate most nearly means:
A. teach
B. construct
C. assist
D. rectify
Question 2
Encompass most nearly means:
A. involve
B. measure
C. anticipate
D. navigate
Question 3
Verify most nearly means:
A. conceal
B. authenticate
C. testify
D. demonstrate
Question 4
Haughty most nearly means:
A. conceited
B. poorly-behaved
C. breathless
D. ill-mannered
- The correct answer is C. Facilitate means to aid or assist something. Rectify means to correct or put right.
2. The correct answer is A. The word encompass means to include, involve, or envelop.
3. The correct answer is B. Verify means to authenticate or substantiate.
4. The correct answer is A. The word haughty means conceited or arrogant.

Instructions: Select the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in italics. The answers are provided after question 9.
Question 5
Jovial most nearly means the opposite of:
A. supportive
B. cheerful
C. sad
D. caring
Question 6
Flounder most nearly means the opposite of :
A. to go swimming
B. to struggle
C. to disbelieve
D. to be successful
Question 7
Nefarious most nearly means the opposite of:
A. conceited
B. good
C. ridiculous
D. pernicious
Question 8
Suppress most nearly means the opposite of:
A. allow
B. control
C. defeat
D. incite
Question 9
Acuity most nearly means the opposite of:
A. dullness
B. ignorance
C. illness
D. sensitivity
5. The correct answer is C. The word jovial means to be cheerful or jolly, so it is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word sad.
6. The correct answer is D. The word flounder means to struggle, so the best answer for the antonym is the phrase to be successful.
7. The correct answer is B. The word nefarious means to be bad or of evil intent, so it is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word good.
8. The correct answer is A. The word suppress means to control or hold back, so the best word for the opposite meaning is the word allow.
9. The correct answer is A. The word acuity means sharpness, so the best answer for the antonym is the word dullness.
Word Meaning

Instructions: Now look at each sentence below and study the word in italics in each one. Then choose the answer that best expresses the meaning of this word. You will find the answers and explanations after question 15.
Question 10
Paula has a(n) penchant for collecting antiques.
A. insinuation
B. indifference
C. preference
D. dissension
Question 11
His response was incoherent, and no one could understand it.
A. unenthusiastic
B. incomprehensible
C. muffled
D. breathless
Question 12
He arrived at the airport incognito in the hope that he would not be recognized.
A. late
B. punctually
C. as expected
D. in disguise
Question 13
The marine displayed great mettle during the battle.
A. skill
B. adroitness
C. courage
D. obedience
Question 14
Due to an increase in the cost of clothing, knitting and other crafts have experienced a(n) revival recently.
A. decline
B. awakening
C. resurgence
D. setback
Question 15
Everyone thought that his gory accident was ghastly.
A. hideous
B. unforeseen
C. serious
D. fatal
10. The correct answer is C. Penchant means preference or inclination. Insinuation means to imply something negative, while dissension means discord or disagreement.
11. The correct answer is B. If something is incoherent, it cannot be understood.
12. The correct answer is D. The word incognito means in disguise or with a false identity.
13. The correct answer is C. The word mettle means courage, strength, or stamina. Note that the word adroitness means resourcefulness in handling difficult situations.
14. The correct answer is C. Revival in this context is used metaphorically to mean a resurgence or renewed interest in something. Awakening could be used as the literal meaning of revival.
15. The correct answer is A. The word ghastly means hideous or awful.
More Information on the AMCAT Test
Why is English language comprehension assessed?

Comprehension of the English language is an important skill since most businesses around the word operate nowadays by using English as the international language.
In particular, you will need to be sure that you have top-level English language skills in order to pass the test.
There will be 18 English comprehension questions on the exam. You will need to find synonyms and antonyms for words. You will also need to be able to identify word meaning based on a sample word used in a sentence.
The time permitted for this section is 16 minutes, so you will have less than sixty seconds to work on each question.
Quantitative Ability
You will also need to demonstrate your aptitude in quantitative ability (or mathematics) and logical analysis (or reasoning).

Quantitative ability questions on the Aspiring Minds Computer-Adaptive Test assess your aptitude in performing basic mathematical tasks, such as determining the rate of work, the prices of goods, calculating discounts, or figuring out how to get the best deal.
There will be 16 quantitative ability questions to test your math aptitude on the AMCAT Aspiring Minds exam, and you will have 18 minutes to complete this section.
Try our free quantitative ability practice questions.
Logical Ability

Many students struggle with the logical ability questions on the AMCAT Aspiring Minds Test.
You will see 14 logical ability questions on this subtest, and you will be allowed 16 minutes to complete this section.
Please visit our dedicated logical ability questions with answers page.
More AMCAT Test Aptitude Questions
For more AMCAT test aptitude questions and resources, please visit the official AMCAT page.
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The AMCAT Aspiring Minds Computer-Adaptive Test is a trademark of SHL (Private) India Limited. This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by SHL, the official AMCAT testing organization.