Math Test Quiz

If you have a math test coming up, the pre-algebra quiz below will help you review. The answers and explanations are shown after each question. Your score will be shown at the end.

math test quiz arithmetic symbols

1. An online magazine business charges a $59 subscription fee for every customer who signs up during the week. This week, 14 customers signed up. How much did the business make on upfront subscription fees for these customers this week?


2. Packaging weight changes for the first three years of business were as follows. Year 1: –92 grams; Year 2: 35 grams; Year 3: –16 grams. What figure below represents the change in the packaging weight from year 1 to year 2?


3. A customer handed the cashier $75 to pay for the items she purchased, and the cashier gave her the correct change of $8.35. What was the total cost of the items the customer purchased?


4. An auto shop does custom paint and vinyl wrap jobs on vintage cars. An employee worked 7.5 hours each day for 2 days on a job for one customer. The customer was billed $75 per hour for the employee’s work, and the employee was paid $40 per hour. How much money did the shop make for the work on this job after paying the employee’s wages?


5. A liquid ingredient is stored in 5-quart containers. There are two partially-full containers, one with 4 and 3/8 quarts and another with 3 and 7/8 quarts. How many quarts are there in total in these two containers?


6. A small factory uses tarpaulin to make covers for farm implements. There was 12 and 7/16 yards of tarpaulin at the start of the day. At the end of the day, 8 and 9/16 yards of tarpaulin is left. Which amount below represents the amount of tarpaulin used this day in yards?


7. Abdul purchased 80 items for sale, and he has sold 0.75 of them in relation to the total purchased. How many items does he have left after making these sales?


8. For a particular sugar-craft product, 3 parts of icing sugar must be added to every 6 parts of sugar paste. A batch of sugar-craft that has 14 parts of sugar paste is being prepared. How many parts of icing sugar should be added to this batch?


9. Galvanized pipe is manufactured in 1/64 inch increments in diameter. You have selected a pipe that is 23/64 inch diameter, but have realized that it is too large for your current project. What size diameter should you try next?


10. A footwear store can purchase 325 pairs of tennis shoes from its normal supplier for $4 a pair. It can get the same 325 pairs of shoes from a second supplier for $1,250 plus 6% sales tax, or from a third supplier for $1,290. How much will the store pay to get the best deal?


11. A textile manufacturing company can buy cloth for $3 a meter from an overseas supplier. However, the cost of the cloth needs to be reported in inches for the company’s financial statements. How many inches of cloth can be purchased for $3? (1 inch = 2.54 centimeters; 1 meter = 100 centimeters)


12. During the first nine hours of production, the following amounts of units were produced per hour: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 8, 8, 9. Which figure below represents the mean production in units per hour for the first nine hours of production?


13. Seven orders were received yesterday for the following numbers of units: 12, 20, 3, 25, 30, 28, and 18. What was the median number of units ordered yesterday?


14. A student receives the following scores on her assignments during the term:
98.5, 85.5, 80.0, 97, 93, 92.5, 93, 87, 88, 82
What is the range of her scores?


15. Members of a weight loss group report their individual weight loss to the group leader every week. During the week, the following amounts in pounds were reported:
1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, and 1
What is the mode of the weight loss for the group?


16. What is the mode of the numbers in the following list? 1.6, 2.9, 4.5, 2.5, 5.1, 5.4


17. 100 participants took an intelligence test. The mean score for the first 50 participants was 82, and the mean score for the next 50 participants was 89. What is the mean test score for all 100 participants?


18. An employee at the Department of Motor Vehicles wanted to find the mean of the ten driving theory tests he administered this morning. However, the employee divided the total points from the ten tests by 8, which gave him an erroneous result of 78. What is the correct mean of the ten tests?


19. A bag contains 5 red balloons, 10 orange balloons, 8 green balloons, and 12 purple balloons. If a balloon is drawn from the bag at random, what is the probability that it will be orange?


20. A deck of cards contains 13 hearts, 13 diamonds, 13 clubs, and 13 spades. Cards are selected from the deck at random. Once selected, the cards are discarded and are not placed back into the deck. Two spades, one heart, and a club are drawn from the deck. What is the probability that the next card drawn from the deck will be a heart?


More Math Test Quiz Questions

In additions to the math test quiz provided above, you should also have a look at the following concepts to help prepare for your exam. The solutions are provided below each problem.

math test quiz store image

You are a sales order clerk for a large company. Last week, you completed 210 order forms in 35 hours. Assuming that each order form takes the same amount of time to complete, how many minutes should it take you to complete an individual order form?

A)  0.10 minutes

B)  1.0 minutes

C)  10 minutes

D)  0.6 minutes

The correct answer is C.  Step 1 – Determine the amount of time worked in minutes: 

35 hours × 60 minutes per hour = 2100 minutes. Step 2 – Divide by the amount of order forms to find the rate: 2100 minutes ÷ 210 order forms = 10 minutes each

math test quiz gardener image

You have to mix herbicide as part of your job as a gardener. The herbicide comes as a liquid that needs to be diluted with water. According to the instructions, you have to add 5 ounces of water for every 2 ounces of herbicide liquid that you use. You are currently making a mixture of the herbicide that should contain 84 ounces of herbicide liquid. How many ounces of water should you add to this mixture?

A)  420

B)  210

C)  84.0

D)  42.0

The correct answer is B. Step 1 – Take the 84 ounces for the mixture and divide by the 2 ounces of herbicide stated in the original ratio: 

84 ÷ 2 = 42

Step 2 – Multiply the result from Step 1 by the 5 ounces of water stated in the original ratio to get your answer:

5 × 42 = 210

math test quiz manager image

The human resources department mandates that the ratio of upper-level managers to mid-level managers should be 2:3. So, for every 2 upper-level managers in the company, there should be 3 mid-level managers. If there are 87 mid-level managers, how many upper-level managers are there?

A)  13

B)  29

C)  36

D)  58

The correct answer is D. Step 1 – Take the total amount of mid-level managers stated in the problem and divide this by the 3 stated in the original ratio:

87 ÷ 3 = 29

Step 2 – Take the amount from Step 1 and multiply by the 2 upper-level managers from the original ratio to solve the problem: 

29 × 2 = 58

Mixed Numbers
math test quiz client image

You are an independent consultant who undertakes projects for clients. You report the completion status at the end of the week in terms of whole units plus fractional units. This week, you have completed 55/8 projects for one client and 33/8 projects for another client. What is your total completion status for these two projects at the end of this week?

A)  21/4

B)  8

C)  87/8

D)  9

The correct answer is D. Step 1 – Add the whole numbers: 5 + 3 = 8.  Step 2 – Add the fractions: 5/8 + 3/8 = 8/8. Step 3 – Simplify the fraction from Step 2: 8/8 = 1. Step 4 – Combine the results from Step 1 and Step 3 to solve the problem: 8 + 1 = 9

Average (Arithmetic Mean)
factory image 1

A factory line worker assembles the following number of units over a five-day period. Day 1: 106 units; Day 2: 110 units; Day 3: 108 units; Day 4: 112 units; Day 5: 104 units. On average, how many units did the worker complete per day?

A)  108

B)  115

C)  135

D)  180

The correct answer is A. First of all, add up the numbers of units to get the total:

106 + 110 + 108 + 112 + 104 = 540

Then divide the total by 5 days to get the average:

540 ÷ 5 = 108

Finding the Median
factory image 2

Work-motion scores for one employee for each day of the week were as follows: 8.19, 7.59, 8.25, 7.35, and 9.10. What is the median of this employee’s scores?

A)  7.59

B)  8.19

C)  8.25

D)  8.096

The correct answer is B. The problem provides the number set: 

8.19, 7.59, 8.25, 7.35, 9.10.

First of all, put the numbers in ascending order: 

7.35, 7.59, 8.19, 8.25, 9.10

Then find the one that is in the middle: 

7.35, 7.59, 8.19, 8.25, 9.10

Math Test – Quiz Topics

The following topics are included in the above quiz:

  • Numerical operations   
  • Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages      
  • Rate       
  • Ratios and Proportions          
  • Mixed Numbers  
  • Price per Unit
  • Markups
  • Discounts                                                                               
  • Reverse Calculations and Correcting Erroneous Calculations    
  • Basic Statistics, including mean , median, mode, and range 
  • Basic Probability, including calculation of sample space and probability of event

The quiz above will be sufficient if you are taking the HESI A2 exam, which is also known as he nursing exam or the health professions exam.

Basic Statistics for Your Math Test or Quiz

statistics image

The following concepts are assessed on most standardized math exams:

Mean – The mean is the same thing as the arithmetic average. It is calculated by adding up all of the numbers in the set, and then dividing by the amount of items in the set.

Range – This is the largest number in the set minus the smallest number in the set.

Median – To find the median, put all of the numbers in the set in ascending order. The median is the middle value.

Mode – This is the numerical value that occurs the most frequently in a set.

All of these concepts are included in the online math test quiz at the top of the page.

Basic Probability – Math Test or Quiz

random probability image

When we talk about probability, we mean the likelihood that something will happen. We express probability as a fraction, with the event in the numerator and the sample space in the denominator.

Probability Sample Question

A local bingo hall has 10 extra-large bingo cards, 15 large bingo cards, 20 medium bingo cards, and 30 small bingo cards before any players arrive. Players are given a bingo card from the box at random upon arrival. The first player received an extra-large card and the second player received a small card. What is the probability that the next player will receive a medium card?

Sample space

Find the total of all of the bingo cards at the start:

10 + 15 + 20 + 30 = 75

The first player received an extra-large card and the second player received a small card, so subtract 2 cards from the above figure to find out how many cards are left: 75 – 2 = 73. This figure is known as the “sample space.” This number goes in the denominator of the fraction that we are going to make.

The Event
bingo card image

We want to know the chance of getting a medium card. No medium cards have been handed out at this point, so we still have 20 medium cards left. This number is our event. Put the number of medium cards in the numerator to solve:  20/73

Which tests have a pre-algebra section?

If you are taking the ACT, PSAT, Accuplacer, GED, HiSET, TEAS, or TASC exam, your math test will cover the topics listed above.

More Math Practice

You should take the pre-algebra quiz on this page, as well as the Algebra Practice Problems Quiz

Algebra and Advanced Math Quiz

PurpleMath Algebra Help