Pipplet Practice Test Page
Are you looking for a mock Pipplet language practice test, perhaps with a sample or demo? This page has a full-length Pipplet practice test in the English language, provided below.
Pipplet Practice Test Questions
The Pipplet exam includes 7 questions. The first three questions test speaking skills, the fourth question assesses your listening and speaking skills, and the last three questions evaluate your writing skills in English.
Question 1 – Read Out Loud
Instructions: Read the text out loud in a clear, natural way. You have three minutes to speak. You may not be able to read the entire text within the time limit, so read as much of it as you can. Play the recording below for the time limit.
Business English is the expression of our commercial life in the English language. First, there is oral expression, which is important because so many of our business transactions are conducted personally. Thousands of salespeople daily move from place to place over the entire country, earning their salaries by talking convincingly about the merchandise or services that they have to sell. A still greater number of clerks, managers, and business owners orally transact business in our shops, stores, offices, and banks. Complaints are adjusted; difficulties are disentangled; and new members of staff are selected in personal interviews, the matter under discussion often being thought too important to be entrusted to correspondence. In every business, oral English is essential.
Second, there is written expression. This takes account of the writing of advertisements, circulars, booklets, and prospectuses, as well as of letters and emails. And in the preparation of these, oral English is fundamental. It precedes and practically includes the written expression. For example, we say colloquially that a good advertisement “talks.” We mean that the writer has so fully realized the buyer’s point of view that the words of the advertisement seem to speak directly to the readers, arousing their interest, or perhaps answering their objections.
Accordingly, we should not minimize the importance of written business English. In a way, it is more difficult to write well than it is to talk well. In talking, we are not troubled with the problems of correct spelling, proper punctuation, and good paragraphing. We may even repeat ourselves somewhat, as long as we are persuasive. But in writing, we are confronted with the necessity of putting the best thoughts into the clearest, most concise language, and at the same time, obeying all the rules of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The business person must be sure of all of these details in order to make the best impression.
Business English is much the same as any other English. It consists of expression by means of words, sentences, and paragraphs. Moreover, they are much the same kind of words, sentences, and paragraphs that appear in any book that is written in what is commonly called “standard English.” In business communications, however, the words are largely those of everyday use, and only a few might be technical. It is the manner in which the words are put together, the idea backing the sentence, that really makes the difference.
[from Business English: A Practice Book by Rose Buhlig – public domain]
Question 2 – Describe the Image (Speaking)
Instructions: Describe the image below within the three-minute time limit. Play the recording for further instructions.

Question 3 – Narration
Instructions: Tell a story based on the picture below. For this Pipplet practice test demo, you should describe the event, the cause and effect, or any actions to be taken by those pictured in the image.

Question 4 – Listen and Respond
Instructions: For this Pipplet test sample question, you will hear about a business situation, and then you need to propose two ideas in response to it. You are allowed 3 minutes to speak in response to this question.
Question 5 – Describe the Image (Writing)
Instructions: Now open a word processing program in another window on your computer. You have three minutes to write a description of the image below. Listen to the recording for the time limit and further instructions.

Question 6 – Respond to Correspondence
Instructions: Open the word processing program in another window on your computer. Read the correspondence below and write a response. You are allowed six minutes to complete this task.
To: All Senior Staff
From: Firm Manager
Re: New Client Acquisition
I wanted to give all of you the details of our big drive for new clients. At present, we are seeking additional clientele, especially those in the financial services, banking, and investment sectors. As senior members of staff, all of you should be striving to add to and build our client portfolio. Please let me know what you plan to do to improve your networking and contacts to achieve this goal.
Question 7 – Respond to Questions
Instructions: Read the question below and write a response. Your response should have at least 400 words. You are allowed 10 minutes to complete this task. Go to the word processing program window on your computer to write your response. You are allowed 10 minutes to complete this task.
Companies spend vast sums of money nowadays on advertising on social media. In what situations can a business justify this amount of expenditure?
Pipplet Exam Results
When you have completed the Pipplet, your prospective employer will receive an evaluation report about your exam performance. The results report will state your overall language level within the CEFR framework, for example, B2 or C1.
The Pipplet results report will also give a summary assessment of your performance in the skills of speaking, listening, and writing in the English language.
In the next section of the results report, your pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammatical accuracy are reviewed.
Finally, the last section of the Pipplet evaluation report describes the strengths and weaknesses in your English language skills.
More Mock Pipplet Practice Test Materials
Try the links below for further mock Pipplet test listening, speaking, and writing practice sample questions:
Listening and speaking practice
Official Pipplet Practice Test
The Pipplet test is a trademark of ETS, which is neither affiliated with nor endorses these materials.