Student Assessments

Student assessments

This website offers free practice tests and preparation materials for the following types of student assessments.

College Placement Tests

You will find college placement practice tests for the Unites States, such as our practice test prep questions for:





Versant Placement

We also have practice tests for the ASVAB for those considering the army, navy air force, or marines.

Student Assessments by State

In addition, you will find practice exams college placement test for various states:

CHSPE (California)

PERT (Florida)

THEA (Texas)

TSI (Texas)

Our TSA (University of Oxford Thinking Skills Assessment) practice tests are for those applying to Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

Student and Institution Assessments

Have a look at the following if your institution is taking part in the following assessments:

CLT (Classic Learning Test)

RISE (Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence)

PISA Test practice exercises (International Assessment)

Diagnostic Tests

To diagnose students with reading or writing difficulties, you may need one of the following:



High-School Equivalency

Visit our test prep pages and study guides for high school equivalency”



Please note: We are not affiliated with Pearson, NES, the College Board, or any other official examination body.