What is the TOWL 4 (Test of Written Language)?

The TOWL 4 Test of Written Language is a diagnostic assessment that helps to evaluate the writing skills of students. The TOWL exam is now in its 4th edition.
The TOWL 4 Test contains seven Test of Written Language subtests. The samples on this page are geared for middle school aged children, from roughly 12 to 14 years of age.
Vocabulary on the TOWL 4 Test – Subtest 1
Instructions: The examiner provides the student with a stimulus word. The student then needs to make a sentence that correctly incorporates the vocabulary.
Cue word: extensive
Sample response: My mother gave me a list of things to buy at the store, which was quite extensive.
Cue word: perturb
Sample response: My friend was trying to make me lose my train of thought, but I would not let her perturb me.
Cue word: authority
Sample response: The principal at our school has a lot of authority.
Test of Written Language Punctuation and Spelling – Subtests 2 and 3

Instructions: The examiner dictates sentences to the student, who needs to write the sentences with the correct spelling and punctuation. These two subtests are administered together, but scored individually.
While I was sleeping, out cat escaped from the house through the hole in the back door.
You say that you don’t like chocolate, but didn’t I see you eat two candy bars yesterday?
In spite of our differences, we still like to eat, laugh, and sing.
TOWL 4, Subtest 4 – Logical Sentences

Instructions: The teacher asks the student to change illogical sentences so that they have a better structure.
Sentence 1: To be retired is where a person no longer works during the day for paid employment.
Sample response: Being retired is when a person no longer works during the day for paid employment.
Sentence 2: With the increasing amount of traffic on the roads, this is why we have so much pollution and climate change.
Sample response: The increasing amount of traffic on the roads is the cause of higher levels of pollution and climate change.
Sentence 3: I believe that a person can only achieve success is when they finally get a well-paid job they love.
Sample response: I believe that a person can only achieve success when they finally get a well-paid job that they love.
Subtest 5 on the TOWL 4 Test of Written Language – Sentence Combining

Instructions: The teacher provides the students with two or more brief sentences. The student then needs to combine the sentences into one new sentence.
Set 1: I really do enjoy pizza so much. I have already eaten it three times this week.
Sample response: I enjoy pizza so much that I have already eaten it three times this week.
Set 2: I studied for the exam for five hours last night. I still didn’t pass the exam.
Sample response: In spite of studying for the exam for five hours last night, I still didn’t pass it.
Set 3: The car broke down on the way to town. We walked into town. We couldn’t get a ride from anyone.
Sample response: The car broke down on the way to town, so we walked into town because couldn’t get a ride from anyone.
Subtest 6 – Contextual Conventions on the TOWL Test
Instructions: The examiner shows the illustration below to the student, who writes a story about it. The story needs to have at least 40 words in order to be eligible for analysis.

Subtest 7 – TOWL Exam Story Composition

In subtest 6, the student’s writing will be evaluated for orthographic and mechanical correctness. In subtest 7, the story itself will be evaluated for the plot, character development, and vocabulary.
Sample response – Low Level
The picture shows a boys whose gonna go camping. There’s some boot’s there and items on the ground like a toothpaste and brush. He’s rollin up his sleeping bag now, so maybe he’s about to go somewhere or something. He seems happy.
Sample response – High level
John was really excited about summer vacation because he had decided to go out camping with some friends of his. He needed to be organized and ready because they were going to take off for the mountains the very next day after school finished. After happily rolling up his sleeping bag, he is going to pack a few other possessions too, such as his hygiene products, a notebook and pencil, and a good, heavy coat.
Resources for students
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