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The book is entitled Versant Test Practice Exams for the 4-Skills Professional English, Student Placement, and Writing Tests with Answers and Free mp3s.
You will need to take the 4-Skills Test or the Writing Exam to work for Amazon, Deloitte, or Cognizant.
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For the answers to the following Versant 4-Skills Professional Essential Exam practice tests, please see our study guide: Versant Test Practice Exams for the 4-Skills Professional English, Student Placement, and Writing Tests with Answers and Free mp3s.
Practice Test 1 mp3:
Practice Test 2 mp3:
Practice Test 3 mp3:
Practice Test 4 mp3:
Practice Test 5 mp3:
Practice Test 6 mp3:
Practice Test 7 mp3:
Practice Test 8 mp3:
Practice Test 9 mp3:
Practice Test 10 mp3:
Email Writing:
Read Aloud:
Summary and Opinion:
Versant 4-Skills Professional Essential Exam – Free Practice Tests
Part A – Repeat

Instructions: You will hear sixteen Versant 4-Skills Professional Essential Exam sentences or questions.
Please repeat each one word-for-word in the time allowed on the recording.
When you have finished, listen to the recording again and check your answers below.
Example: You need to leave on the next bus.
- Do you know what’s wrong with the printer?
- Where is the company’s mail room?
- You are allowed 30 minutes for a lunch break.
- I’m pretty sure that we can meet the deadline.
- You can count on me.
- Here is my business card, so be sure to call.
- The files for the company are on the external drive.
- Please put that letter back on my desk.
- The train station is at the end of this road.
- You need to ask permission to leave work early.
- I need to stop at the store on the way home.
- I left my umbrella on the train.
- The discount doesn’t apply to postage and packaging costs.
- The new computer system is very efficient and powerful.
- All employees will be assigned additional duties.
- It is company policy that uniforms should always be cleaned and pressed.
Part B – Sentence Builds

Instructions: You will hear three groups of words in an incorrect order. After you hear them, say the sentence with the words in the correct order. You will hear a beep on your recording when your time for each one is finished.
Example: was looking at / my father / his favorite book
- anything / see / I didn’t – I didn’t see anything.
- of his / she is / a friend – She is a friend of his.
- you here / to see / I never expected – I never expected to see you here.
- my little sister / to see / I’m going – I going to see my little sister.
- the train / thirty minutes late / had arrived – The train had arrived thirty minutes late.
- project is / due today / that important – That important project is due today.
- more sales / to make / we hope – We hope to make more sales.
- a recent report / in detail / described the findings – A recent report described the findings in detail.
Part C – Conversations

Instructions: You will hear 12 short conversations between two people, followed by questions. Give a short simple response to each question. When you have finished, listen to the recording again and check your answers, using the answer key that follows.
Maria, can you work late tomorrow?
Sure, until when?
Until 8 o’clock.
What does Maria have to do tomorrow?
Conversation 1:
Where are my keys?
They’re right beside the newspaper.
Okay. Thanks!
Where are the woman’s keys?
Answer: beside the newspaper
Conversation 2:
Are you from Boston?
Yes, my family still lives there.
It’s so much nicer than New York.
Where does the man’s family live?
Answer: in Boston
Conversation 3:
Would you like to come to the movie with me?
I can’t. I’m expecting a delivery.
Never mind. I understand.
Why can’t the woman go to the movie?
Answer: She is expecting a delivery.
Conversation 4:
I want to eat a cheeseburger.
Are you going to get something to drink with it?
Lemonade would be great.
What will the woman order to drink?
Answer: a lemonade
Conversation 5:
Do you give any money to charity?
I do. I donate to the Cancer Society.
That’s really great.
Where does the man donate?
Answer: to the Cancer Society
Conversation 6:
Let’s meet in front of the cafe on Saturday.
Sounds good to me. What time?
At 3 o’clock.
Where will they meet on Saturday?
Answer: in front of the cafe
Conversation 7:
Can I bring something to your house dinner?
Could you bring some butter for the bread?
Sure. No problem.
What will the man bring?
Answer: butter for the bread
Conversation 8:
I’m going to have to change my travel plans.
Why’s that?
I need to leave a couple of days later.
What does the man need to change?
Answer: his travel plans
Conversation 9:
I finished cleaning the house already.
How did you get it done so quickly?
I did part of it yesterday.
What did the woman finish?
Answer: cleaning the house
Conversation 10:
They should be done with the garden on Monday.
That seems impossible. There’s still a lot left to do.
I know. I think so too.
What should be done on Monday?
Answer: They should be done with the garden.
Conversation 11:
My toilet doesn’t work.
Have you said anything to your landlord?
Yes, he’s sending a plumber to repair it tonight.
What problem did the woman tell her landlord about?
Answer: that the toilet wasn’t working / didn’t work
Conversation 12:
Where’s the nearest exit?
There’s one next to the elevator.
Okay. Thanks.
What is located next to the elevator?
Answer: the nearest exit
Part D – Sentence Completion

Instructions: Now refer to the sentences below. Find write one word that best fits the meaning of each sentence. On the real test, you will see the sentences on the computer screen and type in your response. You will be allowed 5 to 10 seconds to read and answer each sentence. The beeps on the recording indicate the time allowed for each sentences. You should play the recording as you write down your answers.
Example: Should I turn right or __________ at the next corner? Answer: left
- It is so bright and clear today. There isn’t a __________ in the sky.
- I highly __________ her for the job because she is intelligent and attentive.
- To __________ Dan’s birthday, his friends are going to have a party.
- She was __________ from the New York branch to the Los Angeles branch.
- Is this dress available in a smaller __________ ? This one is too big.
- Will you please turn the lights __________ ? I want to go to sleep.
- He arrived at the airport late, and __________ his flight, so he had to travel the next day.
- To avoid the danger from high winds, everyone was told to leave town __________ the hurricane arrived.
- I went on a __________ of London on a double-decker bus to go sightseeing.
- Because of the sale, the bookstore didn’t have any more televisions in __________, but they will get another delivery tomorrow.
- To get the new product, you can __________ your order online or over the telephone.
- I’m sorry to inform you of this at such short __________, but everyone is going to need to work late tonight.
- Their wedding photographer was an __________, not a professional. All of their photographs turned out badly.
- There has been peace __________ the two nations since they signed the international treaty.
- We thought she would be __________ about going abroad, but she seemed completely bored.
- The company was having cash flow problems and had to take out a __________ from the bank.
- The next __________ of that product is arriving into port next week.
- He is suffering __________ a strange illness and has been in the hospital for three weeks.
- You’re driving too __________ . We’re going to be late. slowly
- I need to pick up some medicine at the __________ . pharmacy / chemist
- I went to the supermarket yesterday to __________ some food. get / buy / purchase
- The woman __________ her eyeglasses and had to buy a new pair. lost / misplaced / mislaid
- For more __________ about the job, please see the advertisement online. information
- The return __________ needs to be provided on that letter. address
- We need to touch __________, so give me a call tomorrow. base (Note: “Touch base” is an idiom that means to get in contact with someone.)
- Even though she failed her last driving test, she had high __________ that she would pass this time. hopes
- I __________ up early this morning, so I had breakfast early. got / woke
- You need to make an __________ if you would like to speak to the Director. appointment
- He was assistant manager, but now he has been __________ to manager. promoted
- They __________ a mistake in how they spelled my name. made
- Although you don’t __________ with his methods, we still have to follow his instructions. agree
- You need to use that __________ to unlock the door. key
- The college __________ a wide range of classes for the young and old alike. offers
- The company caused the pollution, so they need to __________ the cost of the clean-up themselves. cover (Note that “pay” is incorrect because you would need to say “pay for.”)
- Employees will lose pay accordingly if they are __________ to work. late
- I can finally relax now that the big project has reached an __________ . end
Part E – Dictation

Instructions: Now open the word processor program on your computer. You will hear 14 sentences. Type each sentence on your computer exactly as you hear it in the time provided on the recording.
- It will be ready on Monday.
- I wish that we didn’t have so much work to do.
- It’s a good idea to be attentive at meetings.
- Where did you put the keys?
- There is going to be a party on Friday to celebrate our success.
- I go to the park every day.
- You need to make sure that everything is ready for production.
- The boss told me that they are doing everything they can.
- If you plan on attending the event, please reply to this email.
- The bus stops here every fifteen minutes.
- The company is watching its staffing and materials costs.
- It’s a nice day to be outside.
- The agreement will be drawn up by the legal department.
- Companies can apply for certain tax credits and incentives.
Part F – Passage Reconstruction

Instructions: For this part of the test, you will see two paragraphs. You will have 30 seconds to read each one. After 30 seconds, the paragraph will disappear from your screen. You then need to re-write the passage, using your own words in the time allowed on the recording.
For this practice test, you type your answer into a word processing program. You will be allowed 90 seconds to rewrite each of the passages. Please listen to the recording for the timings of the reading and the writing sections.
Paragraph 1:
After working for 40 years as a manager in a technology company, Paul decided to retire. Things went fine at first, and he enjoyed getting up late, spending time with his wife, and playing extra rounds of golf. However, after a few months he got bored and told his wife he was looking for something to do a couple of days a week. He signed up as a volunteer at the Red Cross and is really enjoying it.
Paragraph 2:
Matt was trying to organize a farewell party for Liz. He secretly informed all of the other co-workers about his plan. The head of the department sent a fake email to Liz, telling her to come to the conference room for her exit interview. On the appointed day, all of the co-workers assembled in the conference room, where there were gifts and refreshments. Liz then walked in to the conference room expecting her interview, but instead everyone suddenly appeared for the party.
Paul retired after working for 40 years. For a while, things were fine and he played golf and spent time with his wife. Then he became bored, and told he wife he’d like something to do in his free time. He started volunteering for a charity a couple of days each week, and he really likes it.
Matt told all of his co-workers about a secret surprise party for Liz that he was organizing. Their boss sent a fake email to Liz to say that she had to go to the conference room for an exit interview since she was leaving the company. There were refreshments there, and her co-workers all brought farewell gifts for her and waited for her to arrive. When she entered the room, she saw everyone gathered there.
What’s in our Versant Professional English Screening Test 4-Skills Essential Practice Exams with Answers and Free mp3s Book?
Our Versant Professional English Screening Test 4-Skills Essential Practice Exams with Answers and Free mp3s book contains the sentences for the Sentence Completion (Part D) section of the Versant 4-Skills Professional Essential Exam, as well as the passages for the Passage Reconstruction (Part F) section of the test.
In our Versant 4-Skills Exam book, you will also see the texts for all of the questions so that you can check you listening comprehension and vocabulary.
If you are testing for Amazon, Deloitte, or another MNC, the book also has ten extra exercises for typing and email writing for their particular version of the test.
The Versant is a registered trademark of Pearson, Inc, which is neither affiliated with nor endorses this publication.