Versant English Speaking Exam

Versant English Speaking Practice Exam Page

Welcome to the Versant English Speaking Practice Exam Page. This version of the Versant is also sometimes referred to as the Versant Voice Exam, the Versant Teleperformance Assessment, or the Versant Communication Test.

The Versant English speaking exam consists of the six parts described in the second section below.

You may need to take the exam to apply for a job in a call center, such as with Accenture or Concentrix.

To use the recordings on this page, you should get our book entitled: Versant English Speaking Voice Test Practice Exams with Sample Responses, Free Recordings, and Exam Tips

Versant English Speaking Practice Exam – Free mp3s

In this section, you will find the free mp3s that accompany our book entitled: Versant English Speaking Voice Test Practice Exams with Sample Responses, Free Recordings, and Exam Tips.

You will need to buy the book to see the texts for the questions and to view the answers and sample responses.

Speaking Test 1

Speaking Test 2

Speaking Test 3

Speaking Test 4

Speaking Test 5

Speaking Test 6

Speaking Test 7

Speaking Test 8

Speaking Test 9

Speaking Test 10

Versant English Exam Parts

Part A – Reading

versant english speaking exam part a

Instructions: For this section of the Versant English speaking exam, you should read each sentence out loud when you hear the sentence number.

You should be finished speaking when you hear the beep.

Reading mp3

  1. Moving to a new city can be a lonely experience.
  2. A person might be busy at work, but feel lonely in the evenings.
  3. It can also be difficult to learn how to travel into the city center.
  4. For this reason, some people prefer to stay close to their hometowns.
  5. Buying a pet can be a big commitment.
  6. First, a person needs to decide what kind of pet they would like.
  7. Pet food can be costly, and the vet can also be expensive.
  8. However, owing a pet can really enhance a person’s life.
  9. Some people feel depressed when it rains.
  10. During rainy days, it can be difficult to get outdoors.
  11. Poor weather can also limit a person’s exercise.
  12. For this reason, some people prefer to join a gym.

Part B – Repeat

versant english speaking exam part b

Instructions: Now you will hear 16 sentences.

Please repeat each sentence word-for-word.

When you have finished, check your answers by clicking on the link below the audio recording.

Repeat mp3

Part B Answers

Part C – Questions

versant english speaking exam part c

Instructions: In this part of the Versant English speaking exam, you need to give a simple answer to each question.

Your answer should be one to four words, rather than a full sentence.

Questions mp3

Part C Answers

Part D – Sentence Builds

versant english speaking exam part d

Instructions: Rearrange the words or word groups that you hear to form a question or sentence.

Say your answer in the time provided on the recording.

The original texts and answers are provided below.

Sentence Builds mp3

Part D Answers

Part E – Story Retelling

versant english speaking exam part e

Instructions: Now you will hear three stories. You will hear each story once, followed by a beep. When you hear the beep, you will have 30 seconds to retell the story.

Tell as much of the story as you can, including the names, action, and ending. You will hear another beep when the 30 seconds has finished. 

Story Retelling mp3

Part E Sample Responses

Part F – Open Questions

versant english speaking exam part f

Instructions: You will hear questions about family life or personal situations that are familiar to you. Each question will be spoken twice, followed by a beep.

When you hear the beep, you have 40 seconds to speak. You will hear another beep again at the end of the 40 seconds.

Open Questions mp3

Part F Sample Responses

Versant English Speaking Practice Exam – Answers

Part B – Repeat

versant english speaking exam part b answers
  1. We couldn’t have finished the project without you.
  2. He got a new car at that place downtown.
  3. The ocean was calm and all the stars were out.
  4. He missed his flight and had to get a hotel for the night.
  5. I’m afraid it doesn’t feel very comfortable.
  6. The Human Resources Department will make the announcement on Monday.
  7. There’s a ten percent discount if you pay before the fifth.
  8. She enjoyed watching the people on the beach.
  9. They’re really looking forward to moving into their new apartment.
  10. If you haven’t received the order by Wednesday, please contact us.
  11. You can leave your coat on the chair by the door.
  12. We had been told to work late, but he decided to leave early.
  13. More students are taking business studies courses than ever before.
  14. I couldn’t afford anything in the store, so I didn’t buy anything.
  15. I’ll call you tomorrow to touch base with you.
  16. We offer a 90-day complete-satisfaction money-back guarantee.

Part C – Questions

part c answers
  1. Is orange juice a liquid or a solid?  a liquid
  2. Is a lemon sweet or sour?  sour
  3. Austin managed to work things out. Did he find a solution or get a new job?  find a solution
  4. Would you cook a meal in the bedroom or the kitchen?  the kitchen
  5. Noelle felt exasperated. Was she upset or calm?  upset
  6. What month comes after September and before November?  October
  7. Is a carpet usually placed on the floor or the ceiling?  the floor
  8. Tyler is under the weather. Is he ill or on the beach?  ill / He is ill.
  9. Declan felt apprehensive about the situation. Did he have doubts or did he feel comfortable?  He has doubts.
  10. The baby warmed up to Zara after about an hour. Did the baby accept her or reject her?  accepted her / They baby accepted her.
  11. What would you use to make a dress, a sewing machine or a suitcase?  a sewing machine
  12. If something is pricey, is it expensive or inexpensive?  expensive
  13. Is a wrench used to repair something or to eat something?  repair something
  14. Arthur was reticent when asked about his opinion. Did he speak reluctantly or freely?  reluctantly
  15. You have just had an appetizing meal. Was it tasty or disgusting?  tasty / It was tasty.
  16. The interpretation of the policy was in a gray area. Was the policy strict or flexible?  flexible
  17. Amira wants to go for a hike. Will she put on boots or a swimsuit?  boots
  18. Jude was threatened with a demotion. Will he lose his job or get a lower position?  get a lower position
  19. Lilly had to deal with a disgruntled customer. Was the customer happy or dissatisfied?  dissatisfied
  20. The meeting dragged on. Did the meeting go quickly or slowly?  slowly
  21. The couple met in a secluded place. Was it private or well-traveled?  private
  22. The leaves of that flower are noxious. Are they harmful or beneficial? harmful
  23. You want to watch a show. Would you turn on the television or open the window?  turn on the television
  24. The company decided to do away with twenty sales people. Did they hire them or fire them?  fire them
  25. Kim started to fall behind at school. Is her work delayed or accelerated?  delayed

Part D – Sentence Builds

part d answers
  1. were told about  /  members of staff  /  the pay cut – Members of staff were told about the pay cut.
  2. change the information  /  contact human resources  /  in order to – Contact human resources in order to change the information.
  3. the project  /  on Tuesday  /  we’ll start – We’ll start the project on Thursday. / On Thursday, we’ll start the project.
  4. get used to  /  he couldn’t  /  the new schedule – He couldn’t get used to the new schedule.
  5. speak to him  /  are you  /  going to – Are you going to speak to him?
  6. to wear  /  was too dirty  /  the shirt – The shirt was too dirty to wear.
  7. heard about  /  everyone had already  /  the accident – Everyone had already heard about the accident.
  8. the restaurant  /  on Friday  /  is always full – The restaurant is always full on Friday. / On Friday, the restaurant is always full.
  9. his orders  /  problems with  /  there are usually – There are usually problems with his orders.
  10. on vacation  /  have gone  /  they might – They might have gone on vacation.

Part E – Story Retelling

part e answers
Passage 1:

Stephanie had a pet rabbit that she had gotten from the pet store. She paid a lot of money for the rabbit, but after a few weeks, she realized that her pet was not well. She took the rabbit to the vet, who said that her pet had a bad stomach infection. Stephanie got some special medicine for the rabbit, and after about five days, her pet was much better.

Sample Response 1: 

Stephanie had an expensive new pet rabbit that she just loved, but after she had her pet for a while, she noticed that the bunny acted like it was unwell. She took her pet to the vet, who gave it medication for a stomach infection. Stephanie gave the medicine to her pet, and it got better in five days.

Passage 2:

Annie goes camping every summer with her mother and father. They especially enjoy putting the tent up at a lake near their house because they can also go swimming there. However, this summer they won’t be able to camp at the lake because the road to the lake is closed. So, they are going to go to visit Annie’s uncle instead.

Sample Response 2: 

Annie loves to go camping in the summer with her mom and dad at a lake near their house. They would usually put the tent up there and go swimming. However, the road that goes to the campground is closed this year, so they can’t go there. So they are going to stay with Annie’s uncle this year.

Passage 3:

Scott is a scientist and works for a company that investigates and explores outer space. He researches how stars are made and how they travel through space. After having worked for the company for forty years, it is now time for him to retire. He has decided to get a large telescope to use at home in his free time.

Sample Response 3: 

For the past forty years, Scott has been working for a company that conducts research on outer space and the movement of stars. Scott has enjoyed his work, but it is time for him to retire now. In order to pass the time, he has decided to get a new telescope so he can look at the stars at home.

Part F – Open Questions

part f answers
Question 1:

Should workers get paid according to their education or their effort? Please explain your answer and give examples.

Sample Response:

My impression is that an employee’s educational qualifications are important and should, of course, be reflected in the pay for a person’s work. This is especially true when a person is just starting out in their career, or when continuing education is necessary in a person’s area of expertise, such as jobs in medicine and technology. However, effort also needs to be recognized financially to motivate staff.

Question 2:

Should people give up cars and motorcycles to avoid causing pollution? Please explain your answer and give examples.

Sample Response:

There is a great deal of talk in society nowadays about pollution and climate change, and some people have even started to drive electric vehicles for this reason. However, this is a complicated issue because not everyone can afford to give up their car or motorbike, not to mention affording new electric vehicles. So, giving up motorized vehicles and moving towards electric vehicles needs to be a gradual process.

Versant English Speaking Exam Information

For more Versant English speaking exam information, please visit the official Pearson website.

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