Versant Listening and Speaking Test

Versant Listening and Speaking Page

Are you looking for help for the Versant Listening and Speaking Test. If so, you have come to the right place!

The Versant Listening and Speaking Exam consists of the six parts described below.

To see the answers for the exams on this page, you need the book entitled: Versant English Speaking Voice Test Practice Exams – Updated Edition

Versant Listening and Speaking mp3s

In this section, you will find the free mp3s for the practice tests in our study guide.

Listening and Speaking Test 1

Listening and Speaking Test 2

Listening and Speaking Test 3

Listening and Speaking Test 4

Listening and Speaking Test 5

Listening and Speaking Test 6

Listening and Speaking Test 7

Listening and Speaking Test 8

Listening and Speaking Test 9

Listening and Speaking Test 10

Answers for Versant Listening and Speaking YouTube Video

Sample speech

Instructions: You will hear a question about a topic that is familiar to you, such as using technology or your career. You will need to respond to the topic, giving your opinion. You will have 30 seconds to speak. The purpose of this part is only to collect a sample of your speech. This item is not marked. 

Example: Which do you think is better, calling someone or visiting them in person? Please explain.

Practice question: A person should plan to start their career at a low position and them work their way to the top. Do you agree? Please explain.

Part A: Give a short answer to the question

Instructions: Give a short answer to each question. Your answer may be one word or a short phrase. 

  1. Iris has gained weight. Has she become heavier or lighter?  heavier
  2. Julia is three years younger than Luis. She is 20. How old is Luis?  twenty-three
  3. Would you find a chair at a desk or in a river?  at a desk
  4. What letter comes after D and before F?  E / the letter E
  5. Is research done for science or recreation?  for science
  6. Which is usually faster, running or walking?  running
  7. What would you use to wash your hands, soap or mud?  soap
  8. Which animal can fly, a bear or a bird?   a bird

Part B: Repeat the sentence

Instructions: You will hear 16 sentences. Each sentence is from 5 to 15 words in length. On the real Versant Listening and Speaking Test, you will need to repeat the sentence exactly as it is stated on the recording.

  • You’re driving too slowly, and we’re going to be late. 
  • I need to pick up some medicine at the pharmacy.
  • I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy some food.
  • The woman lost her eyeglasses and had to buy a new pair. 
  • For more information about the job, please see the advertisement online.  
  • The return address needs to be provided on that letter. 
  • We need to speak to each other, so give me a call tomorrow. 
  • She hoped to pass her test because she failed the last time.
  • I woke up at five o’clock this morning, so I had breakfast early.
  • You need to make an appointment if you would like to speak to the director.  
  • He was assistant manager, but now he has been promoted to manager.  
  • They made a mistake in how they spelled my name. 
  • Although you don’t agree with his methods, we still have to follow his instructions. 
  • You need to use that key to unlock the door. 
  • The college offers a wide range of classes for the young and old alike. 
  • The company caused the pollution, so they need to pay for the cost of the clean-up themselves. 

Part C – Conversations

Instructions:  You will hear conversations between two people, followed by questions. Give a short simple response to each question.

Conversation 1:

When are you going to take vacation?

During July.

Me too.

In what month are they going on vacation?

Answer:  July

Conversation 2:

You need to sign this form.

Can I borrow your pen?

Okay, here you go.

What does the man borrow from the woman?

Answer:  her pen

Conversation 3:

Do you want to go to that new restaurant on Sunday?

I went there for supper last night.

Did you enjoy it?

Where does the woman want to go on Sunday?

Answer:  that new restaurant

Conversation 4:

Can I read your magazine?

Yes, when I’m finished with it.

Thanks! It looks really interesting.

What item does the woman want to read?

Answer:  the magazine

Conversation 5:

Why are you studying?

I have to take my English test tomorrow.

Oh yes, I remember.

What test does the man have tomorrow?

Answer:  his English test

Conversation 6:

That new restaurant at the end of the road is advertised in the paper.

I saw it. It says they make pizza over a fire.

Maybe we should eat there this week.

What is advertised about the new restaurant?

Answer:  They make pizza over a fire.

Part D: Answer questions about a passage

Instructions: Listen to the passages and then respond to three comprehension questions on each one.

Passage 1:

A pipe had sprung a leak under Marta’s sink, so she had to call in a plumber to repair it. She paid the plumber for his work, and he left. But then she noticed that the pipe continued to leak, so she called the plumber and asked him to come back. He refused to come back and said he had already finished the job. Marta thought the plumber was really unprofessional, so she reported the incident to the mayor.

1.   What problem did Marta have? a pipe had a leak

2.   Who did Marta call about the problem? a plumber

3.   To whom did Marta report the incident of unprofessionalism?

to the mayor

Passage 2:

A reminder was sent to all employees about their summer vacation days. They were told to book their vacation days well ahead of time. They were reminded that many employees prefer to take time off in the summer, so the ability to take time off at that time may be limited. To request the vacation days, employees need to fill in a form and get it approved by their supervisor. The policy will be in effect for June, July, and August to reduce any problems with conflicting vacation schedules.

1.   What was the topic of the reminder? vacation day policy

2.   To request a vacation day, what should an employee do? fill in a form

3.   What months will the policy be effective? June, July, and August

Part E: Retell the Passage

Instructions: Now you will hear two passages. You will hear each passage once, followed by a beep. When you hear the beep, you will have 30 seconds to retell the passage. Tell as much of the passage as you can, including the names, action, and ending. You will hear another beep when the 30 seconds has finished.  

Passage 1: 

Samira was really looking forward to her thirtieth birthday. She was going to have a party at her house and had invited friends and family members. Knowing there would be about fifty people there, she had even organized a catering company to prepare food. Then, Samira had an accident on her bike and got injured. She was in the hospital and had to cancel the party, so she was really disappointed about the situation.

Sample response 1:  

Samira was so excited about her upcoming birthday. She was going to turn thirty and was planning a big party for her family and friends, and she even had plans for the catering. Then Samira had an accident on her bicycle, and she had to be hospitalized. She was so disappointed when she had to cancel the party.

Passage 2:

A mother and father lived in the city center with their two children. The children went to school every day, while the man and woman went to their jobs. The family looked forward to their vacation at the beach. When they arrived, they sunbathed, swam, and built a sand castle. The older child knocked down the sand castle by accident, but they built a new one again.

Sample Response 2:  

A family with a mom, dad, and two kids decided to go on vacation to a beach. They were really looking forward to it because they all were busy with their lives during the week. They arrived at the beach, and they went swimming and sunbathing. Then they built a sand castle, but the oldest child knocked it over. So they built a new one.

Part F: Give your opinion

Instructions: You will hear questions about family life or personal situations that are familiar to you. Each question will be spoken twice, followed by a beep. When you hear the beep, you will have 40 seconds to speak. You will hear another beep again at the end of the 40 seconds.

Question 1:

Should parents help their children with school work, or should children complete school work alone, without help from their parents? Please explain.

Sample Response 1:

I think that it’s usually best for children to do their school work alone, without the assistance of their parents. As for me, I learned best myself when I was left alone to think about and process information because that was how I figured things out. Yet, I would add that sometimes a parent may be needed to explain something or give an example to help the child on their way.

Question 2:

Many people believe that life was more difficult a hundred years ago. Do you agree? Please explain and give examples.

Sample Response 2:

I believe that life was certainly more difficult a hundred years ago, at least on a physical level. Technology was not very advanced a century ago, and people had to do hard physical labor. It was also more difficult to travel, because motorized vehicles were not widely available. In addition, communicating and getting information would have also been more onerous.

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