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You may need to take the Watson Glaser test if you plan on working in a legal or financial institution. The Watson Glaser assessment consists of the following types of critical thinking questions, which you may wish to practice before your test:
Deductive reasoning
In deductive reason questions, you need to assess whether a conclusion is supported by information from the text provided.
History of the opera

Polyphonic music appeared in the fifteen century during the early Renaissance period. As polyphony developed, musical traditions began to change, and this meant that music began to rely on a greater range of voices. During the sixteenth century, there was an attempt to return to the tradition of Greek drama, and this had an extremely positive impact on the opera. As a result, the opera began to expand and develop, and performances ultimately started to include oratorios, which are sung musical compositions on a particular subject. This expansion was especially notable in the Italian opera.
The genre of the opera expanded in general because of the influence of the Italian opera.
A. the conclusion follows
B. the conclusion does not follow
Gene splicing

Gene splicing, the process whereby a small part of the DNA of one organism is removed and inserted into the DNA chain of another organism, has produced results like the super tomato. When creating the super tomato, scientists isolated the gene resistant to cold temperatures on the DNA chain of a particular type of cold-water fish, removed it, and inserted it into an ordinary tomato plant. This resulted in a new type of tomato plant that can thrive in cold weather conditions.
The very first instance of gene splicing took place with the production of the super tomato.
A. the conclusion follows
B. the conclusion does not follow
Logical interpretation
In interpretation questions, you need to decide whether the interpretation of a text is correct.
Aristotle and Ptolemy

As early as the third century BC, a Greek philosopher and natural scientist named Aristotle conducted a great deal of scientific investigation into the subject of the mechanics of motion. Most of Aristotle’s life was devoted to the study of the objects of natural science, and it is for this work that he was most renowned. The Greek scientist wrote a tome entitled Metaphysics, which contains the observations that he made as a result of performing this original research in the natural sciences.
Several centuries later, in the first century AD, Ptolemy, another Greek scientist, was credited with a nascent, yet unformulated theory, that there was a force that moved toward the centre of the earth, thereby holding objects on its surface. Although later ridiculed for his belief that the earth was the centre of the planetary system, Aristotle’s compatriot nevertheless did, by default, provide further support for Aristotle’s claims.
Based on the information provided, we can conclude that Aristotle was well-known during his lifetime in the field of natural science.
A. the conclusion follows
B. the conclusion does not follow
Evaluating arguments
In “argument” critical thinking questions on the Watson Glaser test, you need to determine if the argument is supported by the text provided.
Earthquake prediction systems

The point where an earthquake is at is strongest is called the epicentre. Waves of motion travel out from this epicentre, often causing widespread destruction to an area. With this likelihood for earthquakes to occur, it is essential that earthquake prediction systems are in place. The purpose of earthquake prediction systems is to give advanced warning to the population, thereby saving lives in the process.
“Prediction systems need to be accurate and reliable in order to be of their best practical use.”
Based on the information above:
A. the argument is strong
B. the argument is weak
Identifying assumptions
Identify whether an assumption has been made in the following statements.
Statement 1

The amount of recreational drug use in our country would fall if the government de-criminalised class-A drugs and other narcotics.
A. an assumption was made
B. an assumption was not made
Statement 2
The inflation and supply-chain shortages experienced after the 2020 pandemic had an economic impact on global finance.
A. an assumption was made
B. an assumption was not made
Statement 3
Companies prefer to hire students who are top in their classes because those who have made a habit of intense study are more disciplined in the workplace.
A. an assumption was made
B. an assumption was not made
Statement 4
The price of petrol is closely closed linked to the global demand for this commodity, as well as the worldwide demand to operate vehicles that are reliant upon petrol as a fuel source
A. an assumption was made
B. an assumption was not made
Statement 5
The Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci is best loved for his contributions to the humanist ideal, although his works of art have also received great acclaim.
A. an assumption was made
B. an assumption was not made
Answers to the Watson Glaser Practice Test Questions
The answers to the above Watson Glaser practice test questions are provided in this section.
History of the opera

The correct answer is B. The conclusion does not follow. Be sure to follow the chain of causation carefully in questions like this one. The passage states that a desire to return to the tradition of Greek drama was what influenced the development of opera and that these types of developments were especially evident in the Italian opera. Instead, the conclusion confounds the cause and effect, claiming that Italian opera caused opera to develop in general.
Gene splicing
The correct answer is B. The conclusion does not follow. These types of critical thinking appraisal questions attempt to conflate an example with a general claim. The passage merely states that the super tomato was an example of gene splicing. It does not state that the super tomato was the first instance of gene splicing.
Aristotle and Ptolemy
The correct answer is A. The conclusion follows. When trying to find support for a conclusion on the Watson Glaser exam, look for synonyms in the passage that are the same in meaning as the adjectives used in the conclusion. Here, the passage states that Aristotle devoted himself “to the study of the objects of natural science, and it is for this work that he is most renowned.” The word “renowned” from the text is a synonym to the phrase “well-known” in the conclusion.
Earthquake prediction systems
The correct answer is A. The argument is strong. This critical thinking passage states that earthquake prediction systems save lives. Based on the significance of this life-or-death outcome, we can logically conclude that the prediction systems need to be accurate and reliable in order to be able to bring about this result.
Identifying assumptions 1
The correct answer is A. An assumption was made. The statement assumes that a certain number of people use drugs merely because they are engaging in a criminal activity, perhaps because they feel an illicit thrill from partaking in something forbidden.
Identifying assumptions 2
The correct answer is B. For these types of Watson Glaser questions, ask yourself whether the statement is well supported by research or statistics. It is well-documented that there were financial consequences around the world during the aftermath of the pandemic. So, an assumption was not made.
Identifying assumptions 3
The correct answer is A. An assumption was made. The statement assumes that those who receiver higher-ranking degrees will be more disciplined in the workplace. However, it might sometimes happen that a student decides not to work as hard after finishing university.
Identifying assumptions 4
The correct answer is B. The effect of supply and demand upon the price of any commodity in the global marketplace is a basic economic principle. So, an assumption was not made.
Identifying assumptions 5
The correct answer is A. Be careful with statements that use superlatives like “best” or “worst” on the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. These adjectives generally signal that an opinion is being put forward. In this passage, it is the author’s opinion that Leonardo da Vinci is best loved for being a humanist, but others would argue that he is best loved for his paintings. So, an assumption was made.
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